2024-2025  Regular Ministry Programs

Connect Hour: 10:10 AM-10:50 AM every Sunday in Room 120 (High School) and 121 (Middle School)
Craving a little deeper bible study? Join us  for some snacks, fellowship, and Bible Study this fall as middle school students explore parables (with Courtney Hazebroek), and Phillip Roemer will lead a Biblical Theology 101 course for high schoolers, exploring the theme of God's relational presence from Genesis to Revelation.

Youth Group: 6:15 PM-8:00 PM weekly on Wednesdays (Grades 6-12th)
We have some special event nights but here's what a typical Wednesday night looks like. We have free time options from 6:15-6:40 (snack bar/open gym/ping pong/pool/air hockey/9-square/carpetball/ foosball/gaming/and just lounging with friends). The Upper Youth Center is a middle school-only space and the Lower Youth Center is for high schoolers. Then we all go to the sanctuary together for worship and announcements. By 7 PM we send the middle school students into breakout groups (by grade and gender) and the high school students stay for large group time (brief mixer game/20 min message). At about 7:25 PM high school students go into breakout groups and the middle school students go to large group time. Students have the opportunity to process the message of the night by discussing the implications and applications to their lives, in their breakout groups. We also get to connect and support one another through the ups and downs of life and close each time with prayer.

FUSION (7-10 PM, on Sept 20, Nov 15, Jan 10, Feb 21, Mar 14, Apr 25)
The vision for FUSION is to provide time and space for students to invite friends and grow in community with one another. We have open gym, pizza/beverages, churchwide nerf wars and night games, and all of the regular free time options we have on a Wednesday night.

Scroll to bottom of page for SPECIAL EVENTS & TRIP details and registrations
Special Events & Trips