Judges Sermon Series - Part 7

Sermon follow-up 2/17/25


Even those rejected by society can be used by God for His purposes. The story of Jephthah, found in the book of Judges, demonstrates how God can work through unlikely people to accomplish His will.

Who Was Jephthah?
Jephthah was an illegitimate son, born to a prostitute, who was rejected and cast out by his half-siblings. Despite this difficult beginning, he became a mighty warrior. Though he initially gathered with "worthless fellows" and lived as something of a mobster, God still had plans to use him.

How Did God Use Someone Rejected by Society?
When Israel was being oppressed by the Ammonites, they turned to Jephthah for help. Though he had been previously cast out, the elders of Gilead asked him to lead their army. The Spirit of the Lord came upon Jephthah, ensuring victory before the battle even began.

What Was Jephthah's Fatal Mistake?
Despite having God's Spirit upon him, Jephthah made a tragic error by trying to bargain with God. He vowed to sacrifice whatever first came out of his house if God gave him victory. Tragically, it was his only daughter who first emerged to greet him upon his return.

What Can We Learn from Jephthah's Story?
  1. God can use anyone, regardless of their past or social status
  2. We don't need to bargain with God - His grace is freely given
  3. There's nothing we can do to make God love us more or less
  4. We must be careful not to let self-focus blind us to God's work

How Does Jephthah's Story Point to Jesus?
Like Jephthah, Jesus was rejected by those He came to save. However, unlike Jephthah's flawed leadership, Jesus is the perfect judge and savior who paid our debt in full through His death and resurrection.

Life Application
  • Consider these questions this week:
    • Are you trying to bargain with God instead of accepting His free grace?
    • Where might you be letting self-focus blind you to God's work?
    • Have you fully accepted the freedom that comes through Christ?

  • Challenge: Take time this week to reflect on areas where you might be trying to earn God's favor rather than accepting His grace. Practice receiving His unconditional love without feeling the need to "repay" Him.