
You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem
and in all Judea and Samaria,
and to the ends of the earth

Acts 1:8b

Jesus tells us that we will be his witnesses in our hometown (our "Jerusalem"), our neighboring communities (our "Judea"), places that cross cultural boundaries (our "Samaria"), and to the ends of the earth.

Refuge Church supports over 30 Missional Partners who are living this out vocationally. These are individuals, families, and partner organizations working both locally and throughout the world to further His Kingdom.  Some have a large capacity to connect us with their work, others a small one, and some are engaged in sensitive work and are not represented here.  All are part of the missions panorama of Refuge Church!
R.E.A.D. Ministries
Camp Maximum
The Timothy Intiative
Berean Christian Academy

Pray for our Missional Partners

Each day of the month we feature a Missional Partner to lift up in prayer.  Joining our Refuge Church Missions Prayer Partners group will give you access to the latest prayer letters, updates, and any photos we receive from our partners to guide your intercessory prayer for the Lord's work through their ministries.

Join the Mission

Get involved in God's Great Commission ...
  • LEARN about his love for all peoples & nations
  • PRAY for his Kingdom to come here on this earth
  • GO yourself, in short-term or longer capacity
  • SEND workers with your financial resources
  • WELCOME the immigrant in your own hometown
  • MOBILIZE workers among the unreached

Take an Exciting Missions Class

Perspectives on the World Christian Movement has been a life-changing experience for many of its graduates.  This 15-week course is offered annually throughout the world, including a Jan-Apr location in Willmar, MN, home of Refuge Church.

Make a Connection

Have questions? I'm just a click away.

David Lanning

Pastor of Worship & Missions
David first experienced cross-cultural missions in 1991 with CTI Music Ministries in Singapore.  He has since trained over a thousand musicians for cross-cultural ministry and has led multiple short-term teams to Ukraine.  David currently leads the worship ministry and the missions program at Refuge Church. He is also a graduate and huge proponent of the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement class.