For security purposes, our directory is available only  to our members and regular attenders. Joining is by invitation only, and invitations are sent by email.


If you've received an invitation from us, please decide if you want to download an additional app (different from our Refuge Church app) to access the directory or use your web browser each time you access the directory. You can always do both, but the joining process is a bit different for each. Please watch the video below that goes with your choice.


Find the invitation email sent to you from Refuge Church and follow the video instructions.  You may know you've been invited to join, but you can't find the email. Just make sure you know the email address where we sent your invitation (not your spouse's if it's different from yours). If you're joining via the app, just download and open the Church Center app (see video) and proceed. If you are joining via a web browser, just go to this link to start the process shown in that video.**

Uploading Your Photos

If you choose to upload a photo, here are some things to know:
  • For your personal profile picture, please upload only pictures of yourself (no group pictures, pictures with your pet, or graphics).
  • Head-shots are best (so we can see your face).
  • For a household picture, landscape orientation photos tend to work better, and photos where the subjects are between the middle and top third tend to 'center' the best.
  • Refuge Church reserves the right to edit/delete any pictures deemed inappropriate.

Need an Invitation?
Need Help?

Click the button below to let us know if you'd like  to be invited to our church directory. We'll do some checking to verify you are someone we see on a regular basis at Refuge Church.  Once you've received an invitation and have opted-in to the directory, you'll be able to edit information for you and your household.
**If you've been invited to join the directory, the system will recognize the email to which the invitation was sent when you attempt to join. You don't actually need the invitation email, you just need to be given permission in our database to join the directory.